Health Information, Natural Healthy Way, Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyle

How to Maintain Strong Erections Naturally - Healthy Sex

Do you want to transform your sex life from something that gives you worry what you crave confidence? Want to know that you can be a challenge whenever arises? I want to know that he will be able to provide your partner's sexual forever? -

Beautiful Tips with Javanese Traditional Cosmetics

The Natural Beauty of Women. Javanese woman very much attention to physical appearance are always slim, attractive and beautiful with bright smiles. -

Starting Tips of Yoga

Yoga is not the parents but also a growing number of fans of Yoga for teens. Not surprisingly, the sport that focuses on physical flexibility, spirituality and sobriety already completed once. -

7 Plants That Purify Indoor Air

Good news: you have a cheap, easy, green tool at your disposal to help get rid of formaldehyde. Add these seven houseplants that NASA scientists discovered formaldehyde removal instructions and Air Purifier for your home for a more secure and cleaner. -

Benefits of Avocado for Beauty and Pregnancy

Avoocado fruit and leaves contain saponins and alkaloids walflavonoidat and tannins. Avocados also contain beta carotene and chlorophyll and vitamin E and vitamin b complex which is abundant in Avocados. Avocado is also rich in minerals, and are useful for regulating body functions and stimulate growth, fiber helps digestion at one time. -

Saturday 29 December 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff

Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff

Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff. Eliminates dandruff can also use natural and very practical way. Lime is one of the fruits that are believed to control the presence of dandruff. Arthur S. Simon, a specialist in skin and venereal from Pertamina Hospital, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Selatan, say, lime can wear off the oil on the scalp. By doing so, the nesting place harmful fungi can be reduced.

In addition to controlling the oil content in the head, lemon juice can also provide a fresh effect and convenient, especially for the head of dandruff that often feel a sense of itching. Fruits rich in vitamin C can also make hair look beautiful and healthy.

How to use is not difficult. Before shampooing, rub slices of lime or lemon on the scalp, especially in the area of ​​dandruff. Let stand about 15 minutes before washing and shampooing.

Dermatologist and sex of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Eddy Karta, also recommends the use of tea tree oil as one of the natural ingredients to eliminate dandruff. According to him, many tea tree are sold in packaged form so that its application easier.

Plants from Australia has the ability as an antiseptic and antifungal. In addition to dealing with dandruff, tea tree is also often used to treat other skin disorders, such as water fleas, acne, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, ulcers, infections and lice. Good luck natural way to eliminate dandruff.

In addition there are typical plants from Indonesia, namely turmeric.

Turmeric is a spice that is always present in herbs. Because this type of recipe Indonesia, especially Java always uses saffron to add a distinctive aroma.

Turmeric is a lot sold in traditional markets, almost every seller of herbs or spices turmeric is always there. But you know other functions besides turmeric as a spice in the kitchen? Maybe some people already know the benefits of turmeric seasoning in addition to the traditional recipe is to cure a disease or treatment in our body, including what I want to write is to overcome dandruff and itching of the scalp.

Dandruff is sometimes seen not problematic if it does not cause itching of the scalp. But when they cause excessive itching and eye may look disturbing scene that needs to be watched.

Indeed, dandruff is actually not a bug, because it comes from the crust dandruff of the scalp due to excessive levels of fat in our body. If not addressed dandruff can be very disturbing appearance of a person, especially women who always want to look beautiful and perfect. Sometimes there is dandruff washed with shampoo or treated with medicines sold in the market but nonetheless appear and reappear. If that happens to us is certainly very annoying. To overcome stubborn dandruff can be the traditional way to wear one of the spices that I have mentioned above that with turmeric.

Tips to get rid of dandruff may look very simple, but our parents used to overcome dandruff with the herb turmeric. And could you see yourself most of our parents earlier times had black hair shining and heavy because they are always using the traditional recipes to cope.

OK to the point how to remove stubborn dandruff using traditional herb turmeric.

The materials that are used only with a piece of saffron are first cleaned up completely clean. Then puree turmeric which is clean, could use a grater. Rub turmeric on the hair and scalp before bedtime night. Rub the turmeric while occasionally massaging the scalp so that the juices of this turmeric seep into the scalp. The next morning wash hair with shampoo as usual until clean. Do it repeatedly undoubtedly the result will be seen and dandruff will disappear by itself.

Sunday 23 December 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Natural Ways to Clean Your Kidneys

Natural Ways to Clean Your Kidneys Kidneys are among the most vital organs other than the heart. If one of the functions of our kidneys fail then the consequences will affect the health of the organs of the body. Maybe you never know how someone has experienced kidney failure, every week had to do dialysis and of course it will take a lot of costs.

For many years we are working with the kidneys filter the blood and remove excess salt levels, as well as toxins or unwanted toxins enter our bodies. Along with the running time of course there will be accumulation of excess salt and requiring cleaning maintenance. Many ways to treat kidney cleanse toxins and salt, either through medical methods or traditional treatments.

Through a post on, my little wish to provide information that could be your reference in finding natural ways cleanses your kidneys. Please read carefully the natural way the kidneys cleanse it.

How do we do this KIDNEY wash?

  • It's easy, first take a bunch of celery.
  • Wash thoroughly, then cut into small pieces and put into the pot.
  • Then pour clean water and boil for ten minutes and let it cool.
  • Then strain and pour into a clean bottle and store in refrigerator until cold.
  • Drink one glass daily and you will see all the accumulation of salts and other toxins out of your kidneys during urination.

After a few times to drink potions celery leaves, you will feel the difference that you may have never felt before, the body will feel fresh. Because celery is known as the best treatment to cleanse the kidneys and the NATURAL!

Please distribute to all your friends via facebook, twitter, or post it again through your blog by providing a link back to the blog in order to provide positive information for many people in need. For people who regularly consume drugs celery herb doctors tips can you try, do patiently for natural healing usually takes some time to feel the effect. Good luck!

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Some Benefits of Basil for Health

Benefits of Basil for Health

Some Benefits of Basil

Basil plant can used to cure some kinds of illness, such as rheumatism. Prof. Hembing, acupuncture and traditional treatment expert, and also the leader of Hiptri association of traditional and acupuncture Indonesian treatment said that basil has many benefits for us.

Here are some recipes from Prof. Hembing, Traditional and Acupuncture Treatment Association Indonesia:

Cure Rheumatism and Painful

Prepare 60 gram of fresh basil and use all part of this plant, 15 gram red ginger. Then, boiled both of that materials with 600cc water until it left 200cc. After that filter that materials and drink the essence.

Cure irregular Menstruation

Take 30gram and use all part of fresh basil, 15gram black wild ginger. Boiled that materials with 400cc water until it lest 200cc. Then filter that water and drink the essence. Do it once a day.

Smoothing Skin Face

Take enough basil seed, then puree until the seeds become a powder. Add enough water and rub it on your body. Do it once a day.

Cure Eczema, Itch or Bite by Insect

Take enough fresh basil and use all part of this plant, boiled it with enough water until it boil. Use the water to compress ill area. Do it for once a week.

For Headache Treatment

Use 5 gram of basil seeds
15 gram ginger,
15 “angco” fruit
Then throw its seed. After that submerged it with 400cc water until it least 200cc.
Filter it and drink the essence.
Eat basil and “angco” from this recipe.

If You Often Fee Panicky

Use 5 gram of basil seed and boiling with 200cc hot water
Drink this water every day. Drink it for 2 spoons of tea.

Curing TBC Lungs

Use 60 gram from all pant of basil plant, then clean it until it clean submerged it with 600cc water until it least 300cc
Then add enough honey and drink it for 3 times a day apparently 100cc water

Curing Toothache

Use 10 gram of basil seeds, 4 groin of clove and submerged with enough water.
Drink it

We hope by using this recipe, can help you to cure your illness. We wish this tips can help you to get your best result and help your problem.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Complete: How To Safely Lose Weight Naturally

How To Safely to Lose Weight

How To Safely Lose Weight Naturally. Want to have my ideal body weight? Legitimate only if you want to get it by means of diet. But be careful, you have to be clever-clever choosing the right diet. Instead of weight decreased, thus the scales you instead surged drastically. There are even some extreme diet and cause health disorders, lho. No, that's why, you should live a healthy natural diet in order for weight and health is not compromised.

Then, how does a natural healthy diet to lose weight without harm to health? Check out the complete Peel thoroughly in this article.

How a Natural Healthy Diet Without Endangering Health

Essentially, overweight occurs due to too many calories that get into the body. While the calories expended is not comparable to that in, so the calories pile up and turn into fat. In the end the fat that makes your stomach protruding arms and thighs and size gets larger.

Even though you are eager to get the ideal weight, you should choose a diet that is not injurious to health. Kok is not difficult to apply a natural healthy diet, because basically everyone – want to overweight or not-must do this diet to avoid various kinds of chronic diseases in the later case. Then, how does a natural healthy diet?

1. Choose the Right Foods, Don't Skip Meals

How to healthy diet natural one is by choosing foods that you consume daily. Yes, the selection of the proper food intake holds a vital role for the success of Your diet program.

How to healthy diet you can do this by avoiding fatty foods and contains sugar high. High sugar foods have higher caloric value so bad for the body. In addition, avoid fried food packaging and also because such foods will only derail your healthy diet alone.

Conversely, if you want to live a healthy natural diet, multiply the consumption of fruit and vegetables. But, it doesn't mean you avoid eating rice or eat side dishes Yes. All the food is still really necessary for the body, but you must arrange portions with good.

2. Set Portions According to Your Needs
After choosing the right foods, then how to healthy diet food a servings is to organize the next. You have to eat according to your needs calories per day. Of course, this can't count them carelessly.

If you have trouble you can consult this with the nutritionist. However, for those of you those have any weight; will usually be allowed to consume food as much as 1500 calories.

How to implement a healthy diet, remember that in the one meal you have to balance all of the necessary nutrients the body. You can customize it with the principle of balanced nutrition, i.e. There are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

So, in one meal, you must eat the staple food, the animal side dishes, vegetable side dishes, vegetable and fruit bowl, one as a distraction. You can apply a portion in accordance with the following illustrations balanced nutrition.

3. Replace with Healthier Sweetener Sugar
Many people often underestimate how healthy diet this one. In fact, how a healthy diet by replacing sugar with healthier sweetener is one potent package to lower your weight.

How often do you add sugar in Your food or drink? Many people do not know how much he was eating sugar in one day. Remember, sugar and sugary foods is a food causes excess body weight, and of course bad for your blood sugar levels.

From now on, you should replace the sugar with sweetener has calories is lower – but no less sweet with sugar. Now it has a lot of artificial sweeteners that have low calorie, safe blood sugar levels, and cannot make the scales weight soared.

4. Use Sports as a Superbly
Sport is a natural healthy diet way is easiest for you to do. Because a natural healthy diet will not be optimal if not doing sports. Therefore, from now on make sports as superbly, not to mention the fact.

Because your body is burning calories and removing the tagline-calorie that goes into the body. If not with exercise routine, by the way what else pile calories – in the form of the fat-can it be removed?

Start getting used to for the sport on a regular basis every day, at least 30 minutes. To begin with, you can really take a leisurely stroll or jog for 30 minutes in the area of the House.

5. Apply the Pattern of Healthy Living
After applying a variety of ways a healthy diet as it is s mentioned above, it would be nice if you also apply the pattern of life as a whole. What are the patterns of life is that?

You can do this in various ways, such as sleeping with enough and avoid staying out. Then, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and do not smoke. These things will help your natural healthy diet goes easily and successfully.

The Choice of a Good Healthy Diet Foods Consumed Daily

In fact there are many healthy diet foods you can consume. However, some healthy diet food below may be so your reference.

1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the most healthy diet foods often consumed. Even oatmeal arguably as food healthy diet which required each day in your menu.

A study conducted for 6 years by researchers from the University of California has proven that eating a healthy diet menu oatmeal as has been proven to help You lose weight.

In the research note that the person who always has breakfast with oatmeal, lower body mass index than those who not breakfast at all and group of people that breakfast with another menu. This happens because oatmeal include foods that contain high fiber and low glycemic index value.

Protein, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin B1 in oatmeal also serves to generate energy so that it keeps you excited to have activity.

In addition to the proven to help lose weight, oatmeal can also help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels to normal. To program Your diet breakfast menu, oatmeal can be the right choice.

2. Apple
Apple fruit is one of the most favored people while being on a diet. Red or green colored fruit is indeed containing nutrients that are good and able to help You in losing weight scales. In one small size apples or about 85 grams, contained only 50 calories with 12 grams of carbohydrates.

While the fiber contained in it is powerful water soluble fiber makes you hungry lasting longer. This means that you can make Apple as a distraction for your healthy diet foods in between meals, which prevent you from consuming excessive amounts of food. Apple also has a low glycemic index levels are so safe for you who have diabetes, yet want to control your weight.

3. Egg Whites
The white eggs are usually consumed by the bodybuilders as a healthy diet menu. Unlike egg yolk, egg white protein but low in fat, thus making it suitable as food to your diet.

Yes, in 100 grams of egg white protein, there is just as much as 10.9 grams. While, for the fat there is only about 0.17 grams. Because it is low in fat, you do not need to worry about these foods will add to the pile of fat in the body.

Plus more, this healthy diet food does not have a glycemic index value, because it does not have the content of carbohydrates, so diabetics can safely consume the egg whites.

Though low in fat, you must consume it in sufficient amount and as needed. Don't forget, vary the egg white with the other healthy diet menu in order to keep your nutritional intake is met.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli can You count on as one of the healthy diet foods. This is because lace broccoli calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Imagine, one glass full of pieces of broccoli contains only 30 calories only. While for fiber, broccoli had as many as 5 grams of fiber which can help you satiated all day.

Not only that, in people with diabetes, this type of vegetable is able to help control blood sugar levels. So, eat broccoli running mates also will not make your blood sugar rise.

5. Fish
In addition to the different types of food that are already mentioned above, you can also consume fish as food healthy diet. Good fat content in fish may help you lose weight, tablets. Unlike meat, fish have omega-3 fats are types that are good for brain health. Typically, this is in the fat of fish in such waters, salmon, tuna, and mackerel san.

In addition, a study conducted in Sweden revealed that people who eat its menu is fish, tend to have an intake of 11% lower than people who eat meat.

Consuming sufficient intake and not excessive also is a way for diabetesi to manage his illness. In order to benefit these fish more optimally, you should avoid eating fish with the way fried. Instead of wanting to lose weight, the cooking process will contribute more fat in your body.

6. Low-Calorie Snacks
No need to abandon the habit of snacking. During her diet, you actually are not forbidden to eat snacks. It currently has a lot of healthy snacks are sold on the market as food healthy diet.

However, make sure that if indeed you are consuming snacks low in calories and does not contain high sugar, Yes. Therefore, always check the label the nutritional value of the food in the package before you buy healthy snacks. Note carefully the content of sugar, fat, and calories in snacks.

Designing healthy diet menus for everyday
Actually designing the menu for daily healthy diet is not difficult, as long as each of the meals and snacks you consume protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and less fat. Here are some healthy diet menu reference that you can try applying it to daily.

Healthy Diet Menu 1


Tea or coffee with sugar, no milk added
Two pieces of whole wheat bread with butter


Grilled chicken breast with baluran butter (butter) or olive oil
Boiled vegetables (such as carrots, broccoli, corn) and mashed potatoes (mashed potato)
A glass of plain water


Steak meat without fat
Mashed potatoes
A glass of plain water



Healthy Diet Menu 2


A cup of plain yogurt with honey
One banana fruit
A glass of plain water


Vegetable salad plus macaroni, use olive oil to make it more healthy
A glass of plain water


Boiled chicken breast without skin
Setup of broccoli and red beans
A glass of plain water


Granola bar

Healthy Diet Menu 3


Hard-boiled egg plus cheese


Red rice
Pepes ikan
Boiled tofu or tempeh


Salad vegetables add the juice of a lemon, mushrooms, and a little olive oil (can be added also with pieces of chicken breast or shrimp and cheese topping)
A glass of plain water


The original fruit juices without additional sugar
Breakfast is obligatory if you are undergoing a diet. The key, avoid foods high in fat and high in calories. sufficient intake of your breakfast with a food high in protein and fiber to keep you satiated until noon. Snacks in a healthy diet menu mentioned above is optional, meaning you can remove it if not needed.

Usually dinner could be boomerang for you to eat, especially if you're just a little lunch. That's why, always pay attention to the portion of your meal. Ideally, divide your plate into four sections.

A quarter for the meat or Your protein source, a quarter more to carbohydrates, and the last two quarters for the Greens and colorful. Remember, avoid heavy foods that are fatty, high-sugar food or when the dinners in order to keep your weight controlled well.

What is the diet effective catering to lose weight?

How to healthy diet and other not less popular are by following a healthy diet catering. For those of you who don't have time to make your own healthy diet menu, catering diet could be the way Your healthy diet.

Yes, it's been a lot of diet catering offers a variety of low-calorie daily meals in smaller portions. However, the type of food per portion is big more and varied depending on the type of diet is what you use. Catering food dioleh diet is usually by way of boiled, steamed, grilled, sauteed or to avoid the use of cooking oil.

Not only that, you also eat the clock would normally be governed by the caterers. Ideally, the diet catering provides three times the main meals and healthy snacks twice in the past a certain time.

For example, if you use the paketan catering mayo diet for two weeks. Well, the diet catering will provide 3 manu main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), as well as healthy snacks twice. This will require you to eat healthy on a regular basis until the period finished, so the catering will be easier for you to lose weight.

However, these targets can be achieved if you eat food other than that served by caterers diet, including not drinking any beverages other than plain water.

This is because most sugary food and drinks and canned contain sugar and high calories so it could donate excess fat storage in the body. Even the "healthy" drinks such as fruit juice contain kept a fairly high in calories.

So, if you don't follow what is provided by the caterers, for example eating other foods outside catering, certainly weight loss would be hard going. In fact, your weight may thus rise because of the calories you consume.

Because, each catering menu is set up in such a way, ranging from nutrient and calorie needs until many portions to help Dieter.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Does Skin Cancer Genetic Family History?

deadly genetic

Does Skin Cancer Illness Descendants In The Family?

Cancer is one of the most common health problems threatening. One cause is genetic factors or breeds. Yes, when there is one of the family members affected by cancer, you may be at risk for developing cancer. However, whether this also applies to the skin cancer melanoma? The following explanation.

A glimpse of skin cancer melanoma

Cancer occurs when normal cells in the body develop abnormal and uncontrolled. Well, it can also occur in skin cells.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that arises when cells melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) grow in abnormal become cancerous. It is characterized by the appearance of moles cancer traits of unexpectedly, usually colored Brown or darker than the surrounding skin tone.

Although quite rare, skin cancer melanoma can spread more quickly and cause serious problems in other organs. Good on women or men, melanoma most often appear in the neck, face, chest, back, even in the parts of the eye (ocular melanoma).

The main cause of the rise of melanoma is excessive exposure to sunlight on the skin. However, it is also determined by the type of the skin of any person. Risk factors for skin cancer melanoma will be increased in people who are fair skinned and has the original light-colored hair. This is why, more skin cancer found in offspring of whites (ras kaukasian).

So, does melanoma skin cancer can be derived in the family?

Offered from Very well, experts still continue to investigate the influence of events from family gene melanoma. So far, they reveal that genetic factors accounted for only one percent of all cases of melanoma.

There are three genes that are known to have an affinity with the skin cancer melanoma, among them the following:

  • CDKN2A: Gene CDKN2A is the most common cause of hereditary melanoma skin cancers in the family. This gene cause familial atypical mole syndrome-melanoma (FAM-M) or cancer melanoma derivative. However, not all cases of melanoma are caused by mutations of the gene CDKN2A.
  • MC1R: Numerous studies have proven that the gene MC1R (melanocortin-1 receptor) can increase the risk of melanoma. This is the gene that causes a person has red hair, brightly colored skin, and the skin is sensitive to ultraviolet light radiation (UV).
  • MDM2: MDM2 Gene function to determine how much cell division due to cancer. MDM2 Gene mutations more found in people with skin cancer melanoma women age 50 years and under. In fact, this one gene mutation has a greater likelihood for developing melanoma than sun exposure.

Thus, it can be concluded that melanoma can be caused by hereditary factors that have genes cause melanoma. This certainly cannot be prevented by any means, except with the treatment as soon as possible.

Should genetic tests to find out the melanoma cancer risk?

After learning one of the family members affected by melanoma, you certainly do not want to be exposed to the same diseases and instantly search for prevention efforts. For starters, you might wonder whether you need a genetic test or not.

Genetic tests serve to find out how big change genes in the body that can increase the risk of certain diseases, including melanoma. A genetic test for melanoma is highly recommended when you:

  • Have three or more cancer melanoma that grow on the surface of the skin
  • Have a lot of suspicious moles; the shape is irregular, dark brown or black
  • Have two or more family members who suffered from melanoma or pancreatic cancer

Genetic test results positive melanoma can help doctors monitor the development of skin cancer in your body. High-risk patients affected by melanoma naturally need more skin examination to ensure the diagnosis.

However, when the test results are negative, you are then able to feel free from melanoma. To reduce the risk of skin cancer melanoma, protect your skin from excessive sun exposure and skin health screening done at regular intervals.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sun Exposure

Amazing Health Benefits of Sun Exposure
Source image :

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sun Exposure. As someone who lives in Indonesia, you should be grateful that Indonesia is blessed with abundant sunshine. Even so strangely Indonesia there are still people who fear the sun because they think that the sun will make their skin brown and it is seen as less well in Indonesia.

Though sunlight is healthy for your body. Do not believe? Here are the healthy benefits of sun exposure for your body such as the following:

Improves mood
You feel bad mood this morning? Try to sunbathe. According to some studies, the sun helps release serotonin in the brain that are beneficial to improve mood and reduce stress.

Produces vitamin D
When it gets into the body, the sun will be processed into vitamin D. While vitamin D is an essential nutrient for healthy bones and brain.

Healthy heart
Did you know that vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk for developing cardiovascular disease? Because vitamin D is obtained from sunlight is beneficial to maintain the cardiac cells to stay healthy.

Strengthen bones
The research reveals that vitamin D obtained from sunlight helps the body to absorb calcium more useful for strong bones and reduce the risk of muscle cramps or joint pain.

Cure multiple sclerosis
One of the healthy benefits of sunlight is able to cure multiple sclerosis. So, for those people with multiple sclerosis then this could be good news for you.

The sun's rays can be healthy for your body your home basking in the morning, before 9 am. Moreover, the sun can increase your risk for skin cancer. And do not forget to always use a sun block when sunbathing.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
The Characteristics of People Who Are at Risk of Developing Melanoma

Melanoma Malignant

What is melanoma? Melanoma is a type of cancer of the skin, which is very dangerous. These diseases strike women vulnerable with age under 30 years of age, whereas in men by age 50 or over.

The Cause Of Melanoma
Many risk factors for melanoma has been found, but it is not always clear how melanoma can cause cancer. For example, most moles never turn into cancer melanoma Mole, but also who can do it.

The researchers have found some changes in genes in the cells of a Mole can cause them to become melanoma cells. But it is still not known for sure why some become cancerous moles while most do not.

Melanoma cancer can be caused by DNA changes that turn on or turn off a gene suppressor oncogenes tumors. Changes in several different genes usually needed for the cell to become a cancer cell.

Please note, cancer melanoma may not necessarily be attacking someone for granted. This is because there are some people who are more risky traits affected by this disease. What are the symptoms of melanoma? These include:

1. Have a History of Skin Cancer
As with other types of cancer that could be attacked based on heredity, skin cancer melanoma also can strike someone who have a history of skin cancer in the family.

If you have a family that never suffered the kind of disease, may we suggest you get yourself checked as early as possible so that you can avoid disease melanoma.

2. Have a Bright Skin and Hair
Don't worry if you have Tan skin color is ripe or not. This is because the risk of developing the disease melanoma is much smaller. The disease is most likely of attacking someone who has skin and hair color, for example just like those of Europe, America, and Australia.

This is because someone who has skin tone brighter and has spots on the skin has melanin pigment which turns out to be less than those who are dark-skinned. The pigment serves to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

3. The Mole
Most people have moles and maybe it's reasonable if the shape is unusual. However, the mole could also serve as a sign that an individual may be exposed to disease melanoma.

If you have a Mole with the color that fairly weird, itching, bleeding, scaly, and large-sized, you should immediately check with your doctor because it can be a sign of cancer melanoma.

4. Have a Habit of Sunbathing
Sunlight is indeed healthy, then it is no wonder many people who love the Sun to get a darker skin color. But if the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight directly, it can be very dangerous.

This is because exposure to sunlight can directly trigger the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, stop the habit of basking too long so that you are free from the risk of melanoma cancer.

Ultraviolet light (UV) is the main cause of melanoma. UV rays can damage DNA in the skin cells. Sometimes this damage affecting a particular gene that controls how the skin cells grow and divide. If these genes do not function properly again, the affected cells may become cancer cells.

The characteristics of other melanoma cancer is:
  • A sore that does not heal.
  • Spread of pigment of the boundary area to the surrounding skin.
  • Redness or swelling recently outside the border of a mole.
  • Changes in sensations, such as itching, mushy, or pain.
  • Changes in the surface of the mole – flaky, moist, bloody, or the appearance of lumps.

Often times you will be difficult to distinguish between ordinary mole and melanoma, it is therefore important for you to consult a skin specialist or a plastic surgeon to determine if you are suffering from melanoma cancer or not.

Monday 10 September 2018

Author Naddin Rosyda
Dispose of the Body Toxins with Sleeping


Sleep. Many of the benefits that we can get when doing activities with sleep quantity and good quality.

In addition to boost immunity and become drug natural beauty, activities were undertaken normally sleep 7-8 hours each night can help the body to detoxify naturally to expel toxins in the body.

"Our bodies are naturally able to cleanse toxins with high quality bedding with a sufficient quantity," said Dr. Lily G Carmel MA of Fit 'n Chic Family Fitnes when met at the Seminar Hypertension Day World Hypertension in 2010 in the Office of the Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health in the State Printing, Jakarta, Monday, July 12, 2010.

Through his presentation at the seminar, the following fragment of time to detoxify the body naturally during sleep:

9:00 p.m. to 23:00: naturally detoxify the body and growth. Generally, the process of growth in children occurs at this time. Therefore, do not let your baby sleep more than 9pm.

23:00 to 1:00: a process of cleansing the liver

01:00 to 3:00: detoxification of bile

03:00 to 05:00: lung detoxification

05:00 to 7:00: detoxification colon

Not only that, Dr. Lily added, while the activity of bed at 24.00-04.00 body did not even stop working. Spinal cord activity continued to produce blood when we're asleep.

"For that, do sleep quality with sufficient quantity, approximately 7-8 hours per night," he asserted.

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