Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff

Saturday 29 December 2018

Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff
Author Naddin Rosyda
Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff

Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff

Natural and Practical Ways to Remove Dandruff. Eliminates dandruff can also use natural and very practical way. Lime is one of the fruits that are believed to control the presence of dandruff. Arthur S. Simon, a specialist in skin and venereal from Pertamina Hospital, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Selatan, say, lime can wear off the oil on the scalp. By doing so, the nesting place harmful fungi can be reduced.

In addition to controlling the oil content in the head, lemon juice can also provide a fresh effect and convenient, especially for the head of dandruff that often feel a sense of itching. Fruits rich in vitamin C can also make hair look beautiful and healthy.

How to use is not difficult. Before shampooing, rub slices of lime or lemon on the scalp, especially in the area of ​​dandruff. Let stand about 15 minutes before washing and shampooing.

Dermatologist and sex of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Eddy Karta, also recommends the use of tea tree oil as one of the natural ingredients to eliminate dandruff. According to him, many tea tree are sold in packaged form so that its application easier.

Plants from Australia has the ability as an antiseptic and antifungal. In addition to dealing with dandruff, tea tree is also often used to treat other skin disorders, such as water fleas, acne, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, ulcers, infections and lice. Good luck natural way to eliminate dandruff.

In addition there are typical plants from Indonesia, namely turmeric.

Turmeric is a spice that is always present in herbs. Because this type of recipe Indonesia, especially Java always uses saffron to add a distinctive aroma.

Turmeric is a lot sold in traditional markets, almost every seller of herbs or spices turmeric is always there. But you know other functions besides turmeric as a spice in the kitchen? Maybe some people already know the benefits of turmeric seasoning in addition to the traditional recipe is to cure a disease or treatment in our body, including what I want to write is to overcome dandruff and itching of the scalp.

Dandruff is sometimes seen not problematic if it does not cause itching of the scalp. But when they cause excessive itching and eye may look disturbing scene that needs to be watched.

Indeed, dandruff is actually not a bug, because it comes from the crust dandruff of the scalp due to excessive levels of fat in our body. If not addressed dandruff can be very disturbing appearance of a person, especially women who always want to look beautiful and perfect. Sometimes there is dandruff washed with shampoo or treated with medicines sold in the market but nonetheless appear and reappear. If that happens to us is certainly very annoying. To overcome stubborn dandruff can be the traditional way to wear one of the spices that I have mentioned above that with turmeric.

Tips to get rid of dandruff may look very simple, but our parents used to overcome dandruff with the herb turmeric. And could you see yourself most of our parents earlier times had black hair shining and heavy because they are always using the traditional recipes to cope.

OK to the point how to remove stubborn dandruff using traditional herb turmeric.

The materials that are used only with a piece of saffron are first cleaned up completely clean. Then puree turmeric which is clean, could use a grater. Rub turmeric on the hair and scalp before bedtime night. Rub the turmeric while occasionally massaging the scalp so that the juices of this turmeric seep into the scalp. The next morning wash hair with shampoo as usual until clean. Do it repeatedly undoubtedly the result will be seen and dandruff will disappear by itself.



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